Saturday, June 16, 2018


       Education is a very important part of a child’s life, and yet an increasing number of children are showing reluctance to attend school. It is not that they find the work too difficult or are afraid of the teachers. Quite the reverse, it is because they are being bullied. It might start at an age as early as preschool and might intensify in the transitional teenager years. There can be several reasons behind this kind of aggressive behavior. A child undergoes numerous situations in is life before evolving as an adult. Teasing may also be associated, but this is not the matter of concern. As a result, school bullies can make other children’s lives a misery and their bullying takes different forms.

       Teasing, fighting, confrontations are all part of growing years. However, the situation gets tedious when it takes an ugly turn. It is called as bullying if repeating over and again with an intention to hurt. What is more, it can be verbal, physical or psychological in nature. Bullies use verbal force as well as physical abuse on their victims. The butt of this abuse may often simply be slightly different in some way from the rest of the class. A child may have red hair, wear spectacles, not have the latest fashion in shoes, have only one parent, or be of a different race, for example. As a result, this can make them a target for the school bully, who will indulge in the most insulting name-calling. Often they will use their physical size to intimidate those who are smaller and weaker than themselves. Moreover, they will threaten their victims with a beating if they do not do as they say, often using physical force to extort money, and will steal possessions from them by force.

       Also, often the victim is shy and introvert and weak in built as compared to bully. Bullying is a behavior which does not necessarily demand a great built. A bully tries to attract the attention of others in a negative manner. Apart from that, it can be correlated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Similarly, children coming from aggressive or disturbed family background showcase the bullying behavior. Besides that, sometimes bullies just give around what they have been through as vengeance. The affected child is most of times passive and docile in nature.

       Furthermore, it is extremely hard to identify if the child is facing bullying at school or community given that the affected children do not talk to their parents about the incidences. They are either too sacred or feel embarrassed to admit such behavior happening to them, yet parents might notice a quite withdrawal of the children from daily situations. The kid may repeatedly complain of false aches and avoid going school.  Frequent crying or getting upset often over trivial matters is also sign of bullying. Any kind of unexplained bruises or abnormal behavior of the children must be checked and investigated thoroughly. In identifying the problem, the foremost thing is to build confidence in the child. On top of that,  it is important to make him or her understand that he is listened to and his feelings are respected.

       To sum up,  school authorities, or teachers at school may be approached regarding the matter. If necessary, parents of the bully can also be approached. Even if the child has not yet faced any such situation it is important to explain him or her such prevalent behaviors in the society , as well as ways to tackle it. If left unattended, this childhood problem can have serious effects on the personality of the child throughout his or her life. Since it is so difficult to get victims to report bullies, and often difficult to prove browbeating, many bullies escape unpunished. Bullying is a serious matter and it should be strongly deal with.  We must protect our children from this torture since they have a right to enjoy their schooldays.

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