Sunday, June 17, 2018

ESSAY 10. (UNIT 10)


          In today’s world, there are numerous languages which people communicate with. I want to point out what my experience has been since I decided to get engaged in learning the most spoken language all over the world, English. English has become the language that takes the first place when having the desire to learn a foreign tongue. It is my conviction that acquiring a second language is not as easy as it seems, it requires to put great effort on every single stage throughout the process. This process will be fruitful according to the capability of each person interested in gaining competence in mastering English. Having said this, what factors I encountered and what is my opinion about this?

          First of all, there several factors which I had to face while being exposed to it, that play a fundamental role while acquiring a L2. The first one, the cognitive learning style: not all learners are likely to learn at the same pace, there are certain students who have a questionable intellect. That’s the reason why those people that are in an environment where English is always spoken will find it easier to acquire it. Regarding to the second one, the cultural background:  it really depends on the environment for the outcomes of learning English to be gratifying, fruitful, and significant. For instance, a learner enrolls in an English course in which the only moment he or she practices it is on classroom, but when leaving the school setting, such as an academy, a university, or an institute, they simple do not because of the language spoken around them, in this case Spanish. 

         Therefore, this phenomena will bring some corrosive effects on their learning process due to the lack of exposure to English. The third one, the prior knowledge: almost always a person who teaches English is not a native one; as a result of it, students tend to focus on memorizing words, learning by heart vocabulary. However, these techniques in the long term will contribute little to improving their linguistic skills, such as conversation, listening and even speaking activities. That is to say, it is quite necessary for a teacher to concentrate on speaking aloud activities, having students share not only their recommendations but also concerns about the aforementioned process.

          Second of all, as an English learner for about five years, I have realized that acquiring English as a second language is not an overnight process, but thanks to my determination, motivation, and constant engagement in all English activities, I have gotten this far. Moreover, everything depends on how well disposed to learn we, as students, are so that the development of the English language  takes off. Besides that, it is necessary to build up the knowledge at the very beginning levels in order to get a full and total mastery of the whole process.  Up to now, my studies are going pretty well, I am on the up and up. Since I put aside time every single day to dedicate to brushing up on my lessons, I pass my exams with flying colors, and it motivates me to keep on going and fighting to the last. This language is so amazing. It has enabled me to meet new people from other countries, to learn different cultures, to see the world from another perspective.

          In conclusion, I consider that a complete mastering of languages can be done by taking into account language stays abroad. These chances are known to be advantageous for the reason that genuine knowledge comes from practice. This way, people will feel more confident as often as they look for a job. In today’s world, applicants are required to have an advanced level to be hired. Also, a change in the curriculum is essential so that future generations have a favorable unfolding in their lives. Now, they are expected to go beyond the program of studies. Hence, it is requested to include different methodologies for teachers to teach properly, for students to enhance their skills, and to broaden their horizons at the same time.  English has a huge use in our daily lives, however, its use should be continued along with Spanish and other regional languages such as French. I will continue giving my personal best all along.

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ESSAY 13. (UNIT 15)

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