Saturday, June 16, 2018



        To start with, university is no longer a fresh word to people nowadays. Since the beginning of this century, more and more younger students decide to enter university once they have completed the study in high schools rather than to join the army or become an apprentice. Hence, it is kind of interesting to figure out the reason behind.

        First of all, students can only learn pivotal knowledge during high school while they are able to concentrate on their own interested majors in universities. This period is the key to knowledge accumulation which will contribute in a huge way to the future of an individual. Moreover, university is, without doubt, the symbol of high education. It also offers more than pure knowledge. A degree from a university gives people certain identity that makes them stand out readily among their classmates. Only if more chances are given will more people study at university.  It is why there will always be those ones who will do their utmost all the way through in order to get their longing desires. Besides that, it can be seen from the fact that most international companies will only hire those literate who have at least a bachelor’s degree. 

        Second of all, sincere dreams are one of the very reasons why an individual wants to be engaged in a university or college. Even though many of them can not continue their advanced education, they opt to take up their own responsibilities at their early age. In addition, as they became parents or even grandparents, their dream for university education had no doubt realized by their offspring. Consequently, those young people will have to study hard so that they can fulfill the expectations of two generations. Because they want to accomplish their aspirations, they will put a great effort on every single task they are given. 

         Nevertheless, there is no doubt that university can be the turning point on one’s future since higher education provides people with not only knowledge prepared for their careers, but also the fulfillment of their life goals. Meanwhile, today’s society has improved its strength to sponsor higher education, if someone wants to start their studies at university, they have to look for a scholarship so that they can make it true. In the years gone by, the people could not afford their tuition fees as a result of not having a financial aid. 

      Conversely, the people now attend universities given that they are able to secure numerous scholarships from organizations or even the government. It means that people who are majoring in universities have the chance to fulfill themselves. At the same time, our society generously provides such an environment for people to achieve such goals. Most of them strive in a huge way to get better results because they want their families to maintain a better standard of living down the line. Therefore, with the knowledge learned at a university, we, as students, will have a deep understanding of those problems that affect the most our communities by coping with them in a more efficiently, and more skilful way. It is true that genuine knowledge comes from practice, but it can not be denied that it tells us how to practice. On one hand, a university education usually makes it possible that we get hold of a decent job. On the other hand, we can help others much better if we put into practice what we have learnt in a five-year study.

        In conclusion, a university study aims at fortifying our values, enhancing our skills, and broadening our horizons. As a result of those, we are more capable of giving a hand to those who are in need of help. When achieving a degree at a university, we can get a better understanding of the society, find a decent job in an easy way, and help others better. All of those are due to the knowledge acquired at a university. 

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